DIY Pamper Night

Hey lovelys hope you’re a lovely weekend, today i wanted to bring you my pamper routine to give you easy quick diys, and inspire you to try out some. Now back me up who like me always plans pamper nights but realistically never gets round to them?  But, when i do i lovee them so i’m going to try and make time! This is a diy as personally i don’t want to go out and spend loads of fancy pamper products when ill probably use them 3 times a month, ok who am i kidding more like once but yeah, so i’ve made these all diys incase anyone wanted to recreate them. Ps guys they literally cost nothing so win win situation.

what i do remove makeup

bath ft music/youtube

wash hair, body and face

exfoliate face

face mask

hair mask


moisturise face

spot treatment

So to start off i run a bath, while it’s running i remove my makeup and light some candles. Today i was using a candle from Tiger and coconut vanilla from Primark, but i always use different ones so chose your favourites. Then i added some bath salts from Westlab and Snape Maltings bath milk for bubbles, finally a bath bomb from lush i used Butterbear tonight.


Normally ill listen to music or watch youtube as it gives me something to do and youtube is my life so why not. Like normal i do the whole shave the legs, wash the hair and body routine with alot of bad singing. To clean my body i use my lush shower jelly i’m going to tell you a story so for the longest time i used to never use it because i couldn’t work it out. I used to try and wash myself with bits that i ripped off and they’d just fly every where it was so annoyingg but did make me laugh. I didn’t understand the hype till now when my friend told me how to use it and now i’m in love, so thanks Rosie. For my hair i use Garnier the marvellous transformer shampoo, and Pantene repair and protect conditioner. Can i just say this shampoo is a miracle worker it has sorted my damage hair out so well and fast, and you guys it smells amazing!


When i eventually get out of the bath i wash my face with my Vichy cleaners then exfoliate my face.


1tbs brown sugar (granulated not powder)

1tsp raw honey

Commonly people use baking powder DON’T i repeat DON’T this disrupts your natural skin barrier and acid mantle as it’s an alkaline causing your skin to become damaged, dry and acnefied.  Raw honey is an amazing antibacterial it fights spots and brightens your skin whilst holding the exfoliator together. The brown sugar is a soft exfoliate for sensitive skin therefore if your skin is really dry i don’t recommend this, alternatively you could use sea salt.

Then i move onto face masks; i love face masks but as my skin is so sensitive i never find ones gentle enough even lush ones break me out so i’ve just made it myself and it works dreams. This is so simple i have 2 that i use the most that actually really work. i’ve tried alot and these are my favourites. I’m also thinking of making a post on diy face masks please let me know if this would be helpful please.

1tbsp cocoa powder

1tsp water-add more if you find this isn’t enough

apply a thick layer and wash off after 20 mins


A large dollop of raw honey

I’ve been over the benefits of raw honey so i wont bore you with that but if you want more information comment below. Cocoa powder is my favourite because it looks the best and leaves my face soft and smelling like chocolate. It prevents acne and fights ageing as is rich in antioxidants. I only tried this mask a couple of days ago and i fell in love, my spots literally shrunk within 20 mins.


while i leave this on i put on my hair mask

large dollop (depending on hair length) of coconut oil melted

rub it through the ends of your hair after towel drying

So i kind of have a egg phobia explaining why i don’t use a egg based mask but if you’re not weird like me and don’t mind raw egg, i’m ok with cooked egg just yeah not raw, then this is a good recipe

two egg yolks

1tsp coconut/olive/avocado oil


I relax while these are on or dance i’m not going to pretend i don’t but depends on my mood. When i’ve washed these off i moisturise my face with my Nivea men post shave balm you could use to coconut oil instead. Moisturising is the most important step for me as my skin is like the bluming Sahara desert. For my body i use body shop Shea body butter. When these have sunk in i put tea tree oil on my spots, then go and watch tele.

Thankyou for reading hope it wasn’t to long or boring have a lovely week and sorry for being unactive i’ve now finished my mocks so will be uploading more.

love abixx







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